How to Combat Dental Anxiety in Your Patients

How to Combat Dental Anxiety in Your Patients - Luxury Italian Pastelli Uniforms

Dental anxiety is a common problem that plagues dental patients on a regular basis. This fear often starts in childhood and is related to a perfectly understandable fear of unknown metal implements and holding still during procedures. Of course, we all know that the dentist is nothing to be afraid of - and that patients have a much better time when they aren't feeling afraid.

Let's take a closer look at a few things every dentist can do to ease dental anxiety in your patients.


Inviting Office Design & Decoration

Make sure the office is decorated in a warm and inviting way. Use warm-white bulbs instead of clinical cool-white to make the space feel more cozy. Decorate your waiting room with soft chairs and include a children's play area.  Paint the walls gently warm colors with yellow and orange undertones, then carry that warm design from the waiting room to the offices so there's no behind-the-door decor shock.


Friendly Staff Interactions

Encourage your staff to be friendly and sympathetic to those who suffer from dental anxiety. A warm smile, being greeted by name, and encouraging conversation can work wonders in easing pre-appointment anxiety. Your front desk staff and hygienists can really ease patient fears with friendly interactions.


Doctor Bedside Manner

Naturally, the doctor must provide a positive bedside manner as well. Talk to your patients. Ask them questions and make them laugh. The more you can put patients at their ease personally, the more they will will trust you to ease their dental anxiety during the procedure.


Familiarity with the Procedure

Finally, let your patients get comfortable with their dental treatments. From cleanings to tooth extraction, patients fear the unknown more than the known. Find the most friendly way to explain what will happen and focus on how the patient will experience the treatment. This will allow them to know what's going on and not to be afraid when they're in the chair during the procedure.


For more useful insights into dental best practices, contact us today!

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